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 Historically, cricket's origins are uncertain and the earliest definite reference is in south-east England in the middle of the 16th century. It spread globally 
 with the expansion of the British Empire, leading to the first international matches in the second half of the 19th century. The game's governing body is the 
 International Cricket Council (ICC), which has over 100 members, twelve of which are full members who play Test matches. The game's rules are held in a code
 called the Laws of Cricket which is owned and maintained by Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) in London. The sport is followed primarily in the Indian subcontinent,
 Australasia, the United Kingdom, southern Africa and the West Indies, its globalisation occurring during the expansion of the British Empire and remaining
 popular into the 21st century.[1] Women's cricket, which is organised and played separately, has also achieved international standard. The most successful 
 side playing international cricket is Australia, which has won seven One Day International trophies, including five World Cups, more than any other country 
 and has been the top-rated Test side more than any other country.

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