Free General Service Agreement

An agreement for the provision of services by one party to another.

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If you are a hiring a service provider or contractor to perform services for you, you should use a General Service Agreement to outline the important terms of your business arrangement.

What Is a General Service Agreement?

A General Service Agreement is a verbal or written contract between two parties, such as a customer and a service provider. Per the agreement, the service provider agrees to fulfill the defined obligations before the due date and without compromising service quality.

Other Names for Services Agreement

Depending on your state, a Services Agreement may also be known as:

  • Contractor Agreement

  • Freelance Agreement

  • Independent Contractor Agreement

  • Contractor Form

Who Needs a General Service Agreement

A service provider issues General Service Agreements to its customers as a formal record of the services and compensation agreed upon by both parties. The customer is any person or entity signing on to a service or services. With this document, the service provider and the customer establish a business relationship with clear definitions of both sides' expectations.

Why Use 360 Legal Forms for Your General Service Agreement

Customized for you, by you

Create your own documents by answering our easy-to-understand questionnaires to get exactly what you need out of your General Service Agreement.

Specific to your jurisdiction

Laws vary by location. Each document on 360 Legal Forms is customized for your state.

Fast and easy

All you have to do is fill out a simple questionnaire, print, and sign. No printer? No worries. You and other parties can even sign online.

How to Create a General Service Agreement with 360 Legal Forms

While your General Service Agreement can be verbal, it is recommended to have it in a written form to make it easier to resolve future disagreements. With 360 Legal Forms, you can quickly fill in your details and generate your General Service Agreement for later printout and forwarding to your customer.

Let 360 Legal Forms help with our extensive library of attorney-vetted legal forms. The process is fast and easy. All you have to do is fill out our easy-to-understand questionnaire. Once complete, simply download your form as a PDF or Word document from your secure online account.

What Information Will I Need to Create My General Service Agreement

To create your document, please provide:

  • Select the State: The state's law governing the General Service Agreement.

  • Service Type: Select a single job, a fixed term, or indefinite.

  • Service Details: Describe the services the contractor agrees to provide.

  • Contractor Details: The name and address of the contractor or service provider. Select if it's an individual or a business entity.

  • Client Details: Select if the client is an individual or a business entity followed by the name and address.

  • Billing Details: A flat fee, an hourly rate, or another method. You can also specify taxes, if any.

  • Deposit: Specify if a deposit is required.

  • Payment: Select if the contractor is paid in stages or at once.

  • Late Payments: Specify any fees and interest rates charged for late payments.

  • Ending the Contract Early: If yes, both parties can terminate the agreement with a writing notice.

  • Expenses: Chargeable expenses to the customer.

  • Intellectual Property: Defines who owns the intellectual property created after the agreement, if any.

  • Confidentiality: Define if the contractor has agreed to keep the customer's information confidential.

  • Signing Details: Specify when the agreement will be signed and if witnesses are required.

General Service Agreement Terms

  • Contractor: A company or individual hired to provide services

  • Client: An individual or company hiring a contractor to provide services

  • Deposit: An amount of money prepaid to the contractor before work begins.

  • Confidentiality clauses: Additional terms forbidding the contractor from disclosing the confidenital information of the client for a certain period

General Services Agreement Signing Requirements

The document must be signed by the service provider (contractor) and the customer (client). For business entities, an authorized representative signs the form. Optionally, you can also have witnesses to sign the document and notarize it by a notary public.

What to Do with Your General Service Agreement

Both the client and the service provider keep a copy of the General Service Agreement. As mentioned above, this document doesn't need to be notarized, although doing so ensures no one can dispute the signatures later on.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Services Agreements can be signed digitally, which is now legally and widely recognized in the United States and many other parts of the world. You can create an agreement and forward it to your client via email or a web service. They can sign it digitally (such as online or on their computer with Adobe Acrobat) and return it to you by email or another digital means.

If one side wishes to break the contract, both parties can agree to redefine it. If that is not possible, then the party that’s reneging on the contract must do so according to the original agreement's terms and conditions. If a dispute occurs, the options are arbitration and the court, depending on the method of dispute resolution you select.

These clauses are optional but some are often included:

  • Confidentiality – This prevents the service provider from disclosing private information to a third party.

  • Assignment – The service provider agrees to not subcontract or assign the job to another entity unless approved by the client.

  • Time of the essence – The service provider is obligated to finish work within the specified time.

  • Modification of agreement – The original Services Agreement can be modified if both parties agree.

  • Severability – If one or several clauses in the Services Agreement are invalidated, the rest of the agreement remains valid.

  • Inurement – The responsibility and the rights do not end with either party’s death or ceased operation but rather transfer to the successor.

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